Kuala Lumpur, 11th July 2021 – Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) welcomes international students from Japan to Malaysia on 11th of July 2021. These students are flying to Malaysia with a special flight by Malaysia Airlines Berhad, supporting the ‘Study in Malaysia’ brand. This is one of many initiatives by EMGS to assist international students to study in Malaysia ever since the COVID-19 pandemic happened.

Under this collaborative effort, 14 of both new and returning Japanese students have taken the offer of EMGS and Malaysia Airlines Special Promotion Flight rate for their trip to Malaysia. These undergraduate students will be studying at Monash University, Taylor’s University, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU), HELP University and Sunway College. They have obtained their Single-Entry Visa (SEV) by His Excellency Dato’ Kennedy Jawan, Ambassador of Malaysia to Japan, at the Malaysian Embassy in Tokyo in June 2021. Before departure, all students were required to adhere to pre-departure health screening and follow the advice of the Japanese authorities. Upon arrival at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), the students will undergo the mandatory process and follow the quarantine procedure at the designated station.

“International students are vitally important to us. The students are very excited to come to Malaysia to study at our higher education institutions. This is a remarkable effort by both EMGS and Malaysia Airlines Berhad to ensure smooth process. The international students will adhere to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) outlined by the Government of Malaysia and they will follow their Higher Education Institutions’ SOP and guidelines, same as any other students in Malaysia. EMGS is committed in supporting all the initiatives made by the Malaysian Government in the process for the nation’s economic recovery through various means.” EMGS CEO, Mr. Mohd Radzlan bin Jalaludin said.

EMGS is consistently committed in making Malaysia the preferred global education hub. EMGS will also ensure the welfare of all international students in Malaysia is well- taken care of.

11th JULY 2021



Kuala Lumpur, 11 Julai 2021 – Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) mengalu-alukan ketibaan pelajar antarabangsa dari Jepun ke Malaysia pada 11 Julai 2021. Pelajar-pelajar ini akan tiba di Malaysia dengan penerbangan khas oleh Malaysia Airlines Berhad. Menyokong jenama ‘Study in Malaysia’, ini merupakan salah satu inisiatif daripada pihak EMGS untuk membantu pelajar antarabangsa untuk belajar di Malaysia sejak pandemik COVID-19 berlaku.

Di bawah usaha kolaborasi ini, 14 orang pelajar Jepun baharu dan semasa telah menerima tawaran harga khas Penerbangan Promosi EMGS dan Malaysia Airlines untuk perjalanan mereka ke Malaysia. Pelajar-pelajar ijazah sarjana ini akan meneruskan pengajian mereka di Monash University, Taylor’s University, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU), HELP University dan Kolej Sunway. Mereka telah memperoleh Single Entry Visa (SEV) mereka daripada Tuan Yang Terutama, Dato’ Kennedy Jawan, Duta Besar Malaysia ke Jepun, di Kedutaan Besar Malaysia di Tokyo pada bulan Jun 2021. Sebelum proses perlepasan, semua pelajar diminta untuk menjalani pemeriksaan kesihatan sebelum berlepas dan mengikuti nasihat pihak berkuasa di Jepun. Setibanya di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA), para pelajar akan menjalani proses wajib dan mengikuti prosedur kuarantin di stesen yang akan ditentukan.

“Pelajar antarabangsa adalah keutamaan kami. Pelajar-pelajar ini sangat teruja untuk datang ke Malaysia untuk belajar di institusi pengajian tinggi di sini. Usaha sama dari pihak EMGS dan Malaysia Airlines Berhad ini adalah untuk memastikan proses yang lancar. Pelajar antarabangsa akan mematuhi Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) yang digariskan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia dan mereka akan mengikuti SOP dan garis panduan dari pihak Institusi Pengajian Tinggi masing-masing, sama seperti pelajar yang lain di Malaysia. EMGS komited dalam menyokong semua inisiatif yang dibuat oleh Kerajaan Malaysia untuk pemulihan ekonomi negara melalui pelbagai kaedah. ” Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif EMGS, Encik Mohd Radzlan bin Jalaludin berkata.

EMGS komited untuk terus konsisten dalam menjadikan Malaysia sebagai pusat pendidikan global pilihan. EMGS juga akan memastikan kebajikan semua pelajar antarabangsa di Malaysia terjamin.

11 JULAI 2021

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Sarah Azreen Abdul Samat

Sarah has over 22 years of experience in corporate finance transactions involving equity issuance, mergers and acquisitions, fundraising, corporate restructuring, and corporate valuation, amongst others. She began her career in investment banking with Malaysian International Merchant Bankers Berhad in 2001 after obtaining her professional qualifications from PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Later in her career, she joined other investment banking institutions in Malaysia such as AmInvestment Bank Berhad, Maybank Investment Bank Berhad and RHB Investment Bank Berhad.

Presently, Sarah sits as Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of Reneuco Berhad and Independent Director of Pharmaniaga Berhad. She is currently the Executive Director of 3p Capital Advisers Sdn. Bhd., a company licensed with the Securities Commission Malaysia to provide advisory services to the capital market players.

Tuan Haji Ismail Bin Mohamed

Tuan Haji Ismail Mohamed sits on the Board of Director for Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS). He obtains his Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).

Prior to sitting on the EMGS Board, he was also appointed to be the Board of Director to KEJORA from 2013 to 2018, and several companies such as Permodalan Darul Takzim Sdn Bhd, Perbadanan Usahawan Johor Sdn Bhd, PIJ Holding and Ranhil SAJ Sdn Bhd. Tuan Haji Ismail Mohamed also co-founded Pertama.

He started his career by setting up a company and being the founder of JYBB Enterprise. His career came to prominence when he became the co-founder and the Chief Executive Officer of Pertama Polyerethane Technology (M) Sdn Bhd and subsequently became the Special Officer to the Minister of Education in 2013.

Ismail Mohamed is acknowledged for his expertise in Agriculture and Agro-based industry, landing him being appointed as the Chairman of the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Committee of the Johor State, the Chairman of Agro KEJORA and the Chairman of the Johor State Agriculture, Agro-based industry, Entrepreneurial Development and Cooperatives Committee.