EMGS is honoured to welcome visits from Perdana Fellow 2022 on Day 1 involving two students, Mr. Alexander Choo Chia Chun from Universiti Malaya (UM) and Ms. Arifah Adlina Rashahan from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI).
The first-day visit gives the opportunity for both students to visit the EMGS office and One-Stop Centre at Menara TA with the International Student Management Services (ISMS) team. Mr. Ramlan Abd Aziz (Director, ISMS) also gave his briefing on the overall roles and functions of the ISMS.
Both of the students are participating in the Perdana Fellow Programme 2022 and are placed to be with Datuk Seri Dr. Noraini Ahmad, the Minister of Higher Education Malaysia.
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