Refund Of Unclaimed Amount

EMGS is always looking for individuals with unclaimed refunds. Do you have any unclaimed refunds from EMGS? If you do, please email us at and we will get back to you.

Tutorial Video

We have made things simpler for you. Here is a step-by-step tutorial video on how to request the Refund of Unclaimed Monies.




Step 1: Contact Us

Start the claim process by visiting this link.



Step 2: Application Form

Kindly download the refund request form and fill in your particulars accordingly. Once completed, email to



Step 3: EMGS Vetting Process

EMGS will validate the refund request upon receiving the email.

Frequently Asked Questions

Refund of Unclaimed Amount (UnInvoiced Applications)

 What are UnClaimed Amounts?

The EMGS Escrow Account has received deposits from unknown customers. These deposits have not been utilized for invoicing applications. Therefore, the institution or student may request a refund from EMGS for payments that are not utilized, and the amount will be refunded based on EMGS policy.

 Who is entitled to claim?

All educational institutions, students or third-party individuals (Agents, parents) may request for a refund if they have wrongly transferred an amount to the EMGS escrow account.

 I have transferred funds to EMGS but I intend to use it as payment for applications. Am I required to still claim for the amount?

It is advisable not to initiate a refund if you would like to utilize the payment for your future applications. Please note that in order for us to invoice the applications you are required to provide the proof of payment along with the EMGS application numbers.

 I would like to submit my claims however I do not have a Malaysian bank account number. Will EMGS transfer the funds to my overseas bank account?

Yes, you are required to provide the complete details of your foreign bank account as listed in the refund form for issuance of a refund.

 What are the charges for EMGS to transfer the claims to my overseas account?

The bank may deduct a fee from the proceeds of any telegraphic transfer and the processing charges vary between banks/countries. The transmitted funds will result in a lesser amount if these charges are deducted by the bank.

 Are there any other methods of payment to receive my claims?

No. Please note that the unclaimed amount will be credited into your account directly through the Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) method.
