Standard Operating Procedures During and After COVID-19 Pandemic Movement Control Order

29th July 2020



1.1. The purpose of this bulletin is to provide the latest update regarding the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Existing International Students to enter Malaysia. 

1.2. The Minister of Higher Education YB Dato’ Dr. Noraini Ahmad announced on 8th July 2020 that all New and Existing International students from Public and Private Higher Education Institutions will be allowed to enter Malaysia. However, they must be registered with Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) before being given permission to enter Malaysia by the Director General of the Immigration Department of Malaysia. 

1.3. The Immigration Department of Malaysia has issued a revised circular on 22nd July 2020 with new updates for international students’ re-entry to Malaysia. The updates on student re-entry are only applicable for students from Public and Private Higher Education Institutions.


2.1. The category of International Students from Public and Private Higher Education Institutions that will be allowed to enter Malaysia are:

2.1.1. Students with a valid student pass who are outside the country. 

2.1.2. Student pass that have expired during MCO (from 1st February 2020 onwards) and the student is outside the country. 

2.1.3. Before entering Malaysia, these students must be registered with Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) and should receive permission to enter Malaysia by the Director General of the Malaysian Immigration Department (Travel Authorization). 

2.1.4. Entry for all New International Students and Dependents is on hold until further notice.  

2.1.5.International students that are allowed entry into Malaysia will also be subjected to a 14-day compulsory quarantine at designated quarantine stations set by the Government of Malaysia. The cost of the quarantine will be borne by the international students. 

2.2. The above-mentioned category of students that intend to enter Malaysia will be subjected to relevant procedures which has been determined by the Malaysian Government prior to their entry (Pre-Arrival Process) and after they have entered Malaysia (Post-Arrival Process & Quarantine Process). 

2.3. Existing International Students will now have to comply with the following instructions provided by the Government of Malaysia prior to arrival: –

-  Obtain a Travel Authorization from the Director General of the Malaysian Immigration Department (students must apply through EMGS)
-  Upon receiving the Travel Authorization, download and complete a Letter of Undertaking (LoU) and Indemnity for Person Under Surveillance
-  Obtain a Letter of Approval (Entry Permit) from an accredited Malaysian Mission abroad 

2.4. All International Students who fall under the category mentioned in 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 are not required to undergo a Pre-Arrival COVID-19 Screening test before departure. However, it is strongly advised to check with respective Airlines on any requirements to take the COVID-19 screening tests before boarding the aircraft.  

2.5. All International Students allowed to enter Malaysia must comply to a strict Quarantine procedure for fourteen (14) days, or any period stipulated by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia.  

2.6. All incoming International Students are subject to the quarantine order and non-compliance to this instruction will result in legal action.

2.7. Please refer to the following appendices for more information: –
Appendix I – Guidelines on Entry & Quarantine Process for Person Under Surveillance Arriving from Abroad issued by NADMA (National Disaster Management Agency) on 24th July 2020
Appendix II – Sample of Letter of Undertaking and Indemnity (LoU) for Person Under Surveillance 

2.8. Pre-Arrival Process
2.8.1. International students that intend to enter Malaysia must submit their application to EMGS through the Travel Authorisation form available in the EMGS website. Please refer to 2.12 for a guide on how to fill up the form.  

2.8.2. These students must purchase a flight ticket before creating their application as they are required to update the flight details to Malaysia. Please ensure that there is ample time to travel as there are multiple layers of processing involved to approve the travel request by students.  

2.8.3. All applications created by students will be made available to the Educational Institutions. The applications must be approved by the Education Institutes via the EMGS STARS System before EMGS begins processing the application.  

2.8.4. Upon receiving the approval from Education Institutions, EMGS will process the application to ensure that the student has met all the requirements.  

2.8.5. The application will subsequently be forwarded to the Immigration Department of Malaysia (JIM) to obtain the approval of the Director General of the Immigration Department of Malaysia. Once approved, students will be able to download an approval letter through the EMGS website (Track My Application).  

2.8.6. Upon receiving the Travel Authorisation, International Students must download and complete the Letter of Undertaking Indemnity (LoU). This letter must be submitted together with the Travel Authorisation obtained from EMGS via email to the relevant Malaysian Mission, at least three (3) days before the date of departure. The other documents required to be submitted to the Malaysian Mission are, travel documents (flight tickets) and Identity document (copy of Passport).  

2.8.7. The Malaysian Mission will issue a Letter of Approval (Entry Permit) to Malaysia by email to international students who qualify to enter Malaysia based on the conditions highlighted above in the document. International Students can request for this Letter of Approval from the nearest Malaysian Mission if they do not have one in their home country (apply to the same Malaysian Mission the students use for obtaining a Single-Entry Visa). Please refer to both Appendix I and II for more information on these instructions.  

2.8.8. International Students must also ensure that they have downloaded the MySejahtera mobile application and complete the registration process prior to their arrival. 

2.8.9. International Students are required to check with their respective Airlines if there are any specific requirements to undergo any COVID-19 screenings before they can board the aircraft. 

2.8.10. Please refer to Appendix I for more information on the Pre-Arrival Process.

2.9. Post-Arrival Process
2.9.1. All International Students will only be allowed to enter Malaysia via KLIA and KLIA 2 entry points. International Students that attempt to enter Malaysia from other entry points will be denied entry and may risk being deported to their country of origin. 

2.9.2. Upon entering Malaysia these International Students will be required to undergo a mandatory COVID-19 screening (RT-PCR test). The cost of this test will be RM 250 which will be borne by the international students. This screening will be conducted by Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) upon arrival at the international gate. International students can make payment for this test only via cash or credit card.  

2.9.3. A receipt will be issued by the officials of MOH once the payment is made.  

2.9.4. Students that display COVID-19 symptoms will be referred to the hospital immediately for further treatment as per the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia.   

2.9.5. Upon completing the COVID-19 screening, all International Students will be registered at the International Entry Point and this process is co-ordinated by the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) and the Malaysian Civil-Defence (APM). Students must present their Letter of Undertaking and Indemnity, along with their Travel Authorisation and Letter of Approval (Entry Permit) during this process. Please note that the Immigration Department of Malaysia will issue Not-to-Land (NTL) Order for International Students arriving without any of these documents. 

2.9.6. Upon completion of the registration students, the international students will proceed for Immigration clearance. During this process, the student must show the receipt issued by MOH for the COVID-19 (RT-PCR) screening test together with evidence of financial proof to pay for the 14-day quarantine period and the Antibody test (that will be conducted on the 13th day of the quarantine period). International students who are unable to provide the financial proof risk being deported to their home country. 

2.9.7. Upon Immigration clearance, International Students will be transported to the designated quarantine station. International students do not have the option to choose the quarantine stations. 

2.9.8. Please refer to Appendix I for more information on the Post-Arrival Process. 

2.10. Quarantine Process
2.10.1. All International Students will be subjected to a compulsory a 14-day quarantine period at designated quarantine stations. 

2.10.2. Students must register and submit the LoU to the Quarantine Station management.  

2.10.3. Student must pay the deposit and/or full payment to the Quarantine Station management before they can check-in to their designated room.  

2.10.4. The cost of quarantine will be borne by the international students.  

2.10.5. Student will be subjected to undergo a RTK Antibody test on the 13th day of quarantine period. The cost of this test will be RM 60 which will be borne by the international students. Those with positive test results will be referred to the hospital for further treatment as per the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia. 

2.10.6. International Students who are tested negative will be issued with a Release Order upon completion of the quarantine period by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia. These students will be handed over to the Institute representatives at the end of their quarantine period. 

2.10.7. Please refer to Appendix I for more information on the Quarantine guidelines.

2.11. Financial Implications
2.11.1. All expenses for the student’s entry into Malaysia will be borne by the student. This includes:

· The cost of COVID-19 detection screening (RT-PCR) test at the arrival point;

· Cost of quarantine for international students;

· Cost of Antibody test on the 13th day of the quarantine period. 

2.11.2. International students will be able to pay using cash in Malaysian currency or credit card for payments related to the COVID-19 detection screening test at both port of entries.

2.12. Travel Authorisation Form
2.12.1. International students will first be required to register an account at 

2.12.2. Once an account is registered, the international students may proceed to request for travel authorisation at Please ensure that the student reads the ‘Travel Advise thoroughly before clicking ‘Apply’. 

2.12.3. International students are then required to enter the Travel Document Number(Passport) and Nationality. The student’s details such as the Full Name, Institution Name, Course Name and Application ID in STARS will be auto populated if the student fulfils the requirement as stated in item 2.1  

2.12.4. The international students will then be required to enter the Country of Origin, Flight Departure & Arrival Date and Time details before uploading the flight details. A screenshot of the Travel Authorisation form is as follows:


Guidelines on Entry Quarantine Process for Person Under Surveillance Sample of Letter of Undertaking and Indemnity (LoU) for Person Under Surveillance
Download Appendix I Download Appendix II

Education Malaysia Global Services
29th July 2020


10th JULY 2020


1.     EMGS would like to provide further updates on the bulletin issued on 17th April 2020 regarding clarification on the various scenarios that may be experienced by International Students and Institutions during and after Movement Control Order and the global border closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2.      This bulletin will also provide clarification on new updates received from the Immigration Department of Malaysia.

1.     Electronic Visa Approval Letters (eVAL) issuance by the Immigration Department of Malaysia

1.1. The Immigration Department of Malaysia will begin processing eVAL approvals for Progression/Variation applications for students that are currently in Malaysia beginning 13th July 2020. Education Institutions must ensure that they submit a declaration indicating that the student is in Malaysia (Refer to EMGS bulletin dated 6th May 2020 – EMGS Approval letter)

1.2.  Processing of eVAL approvals for students that are outside Malaysia will only begin from 1st August 2020 onwards.

2.     Extension of eVAL approvals
2.1. EMGS is pleased to announce that the Immigration Department of Malaysia will begin processing eVAL extensions beginning 1st August 2020.

2.2.  The request will be processed on a case by case basis involving students that were unable to travel to Malaysia upon receiving the eVAL because of global border closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide.

2.3.  The institutes / students will be required to furnish relevant supporting documents to justify their request for an eVAL extension.

3.   Expiry of SEV (Obtained after eVAL Issuance)
3.1. Certain students may have proceeded to obtain their Single Entry Visa (SEV) upon receiving their eVAL but were not able to travel to Malaysia before the expiry of the SEV due to the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide.

3.2.  International students that fall under this category should visit the nearest Malaysian Embassy or High Commission and submit a request to obtain a social visit SEV. The respective Embassy or High Commission may consider the request based on the justification provided to them.

3.3.  In addition to the social visit SEV, these students must also ensure that they obtain the approval letter to enter Malaysia from the Director-General of the Immigration Department of Malaysia.

4.     eVALs rejected due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in the student’s country of origin
4.1.  The Immigration Department of Malaysia had rejected certain eVAL applications for students that originated from countries that had a widespread transmission of COVID-19 prior to the Movement Control Order implemented by the Government of Malaysia.

4.2.  Educational Institutions will now be able to submit an appeal for these applications and the Immigration Department of Malaysia will review them on a case by case basis. Kindly note that the decision to approve the appeal is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department of Malaysia.

5.     Students outside Malaysia with an expired students pass – students that were unable to travel to Malaysia in time to renew their student pass due to the travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
5.1.  Based on the current / existing process, the Immigration Department of Malaysia will only allow students to renew their student pass if the current student pass expiry has not lapsed for more than 3 months.

5.2.  Due to the COVID-19 outbreak worldwide which forced international borders to be closed, the Immigration Department of Malaysia is now allowing students to continue renewing their student pass only if it expired after 1st February 2020. Students that fall under this category will be required to enter Malaysia on a social visit pass and subsequently submit their passport for the extension of their student pass. These students must ensure that they have obtained the approval to enter Malaysia from the Director-General of the Immigration Department of Malaysia prior to leaving their home country.

5.3.  Students whose pass expired prior to 1st February 2020 will not be allowed to renew their student pass. They must submit a new application to obtain an eVAL to continue their studies in Malaysia.
